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By Jay
How To Avoid Misspelling Email On Call & Not Lose Prospects?

Let me paint you a picture: After taking so much time to network online, you finally get in contact with a new possible prospect. You're chatting on the phone, discussing business, and you finally lock it in with a business opportunity. Your future client only needs your contact information, name, email, website, etc.


How Familiar Does This Sound To You?

Call conversation

And this isn't even half of your email yet. How annoyed did I make you?

However, there are other aspects; this raises concern over trust and credibility when necessary information can't be transferred quickly and correctly. Prospects like this one get lost every day because of complications due to misspelling. People misspell their company name or even their email.

In difficult times like these, it is incredibly crucial to keep these connections that can secure a new job. Why risk misspelling your email that can result in the loss of your time, energy, and sanity?

Gobiggi business card add

I, personally, am tired of spelling out my name over the phone. I no longer have to scream "N as in Nancy" one more time. I know I am not the only one dealing with this issue. This is why I made a change – No, I didn't change my name. I changed the way I shared my contact information.

When I am with a new potential client on the phone and am ready to share my information, I ask them for their mobile phone number. I text my paperless business card. It includes my name, email, links, website, offer, company profile, and event booking software for meetings.


How Do I Do This? I Use Gobiggi Paperless Business Card.

I subscribed and chose a traditional business card in a paperless format. I added the usual: full name, email, and cell phone number, website, etc. I also took advantage of the option to add a PDF and added my company profile.


The Best Part?

I can precisely see when and how many times the receiver viewed my Paperless Business Card.

Real time notificationReal time notification

This Feature Makes This Paperless Card Priceless.

Why do you need it? Your call may have been perfect, but you will quickly lose touch after this call if the prospect's action was not fast enough.

Your Paperless Business Card will tell you when your card was opened and how many times it was viewed. You can easily see if your candidate decides to ignore you. If they do not open your card, a reminder will be set, and your paperless business card will resend. Don't lose a prospect.


Make The Connection And Text The Paperless Card – IT’S PRICELESS.

Now more than ever, you will need to have a Paperless Business Card. With meetings and interviews held strictly on video or phone calls, that how you share your information!

Gobiggi book-itGobiggi book-it

Will You Spell It Over The Phone? Even If It Is Only The Email, Will You Risk It?

Time moves forward. Move with it. Grow with the times. The only person stopping you from moving forward with your business is the $18 a year (COUPON CODE: SD50)


Gobiggi's Paperless Business Card is COVID-19's way of communicating. Stop wasting your time spelling. It is not worth the headache and the risk of losing a client. Within a matter of minutes, you will see a massive difference in how you connect with others and how you grow your online presence.

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