It Made A $0 Income. It Has Been Sold for 19 Billion. Why?

By Shelly
Make $0 income. Sold for billion. Why?

According to a recent Amazon review, more data has been stored worldwide than in all the data collected since the computer's invention until 2017. All the technology giants, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft are fighting to get more database and, ultimately, translate it into revenues.

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In February 2014, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion.

Why will Facebook pay $19 billion when there is $0 income?

They pay for the information. This type of information involves data about you, your family, your friends, and the overall market trend.

Advertising is distributed based on that information.


Microsoft wanted to buy TikTok for as much as $30 billion.

Last year, TikTok made about $250 million in revenue worldwide, The key part of any TikTok deal was the data and users that Microsoft will acquire access to.

Data is Money!

However, you don't need to pay $19 billion.

  • For as little as $18 a year, you will receive information in real-time of your recipients.
  • After texting your PBC , Paperless Business Card, You receive notifications when your recipients have viewed it, how many times, and how often.
  • This type of information will greatly assist in planning ahead for your next move.
  • Some still ask, "why?". I guess knowing precipitant action has no value
  • Some say, “I don’t need it”, as if they are not in business anymore.
  • Some even say, “I don’t see people in person during COVID-19. We only talk to them over the phone.”
    - Instances like this make you realize how much you need a Paperless Business Card. You spend 10 to 20 minutes on a possible sales call and waste even more time trying to spell your contact information.

This type of time wasting can ruin your chances of gaining business. Don’t take that risk. Text your PBC, Paperless Business Card, that looks like your traditional card with all of your information in 1 seconds. You’ll know immediately who opened it, when, and how often they viewed it. This is the best networking solution for all of your problems.

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Every single statistic matters.

Have you ever wondered why in a supermarket the bread is placed on a particular shelf? Or why the milk is placed close to the eggs?

The answer to these questions is: Data.

When supermarket data indicates customers' consumption habits, it can figure out where to place each product.

Knowing customers' actions allows planning the next meaningful move.



COVID-19 has accelerated technological processes

The lifestyle change is mainly due to remote work and social distancing. The restriction increases the knowledge we need about our clients and prospect action. Today more than ever, every business relies on its online presence, Cloud service, and cybersecurity.

As usual - Survival depends on adaptation.

All of these and more require creative and realistic solutions due to the damage that occurred from not knowing. Prospect and customer action are the most sensitive data to any provider. Not only data on needs and habits, but also meeting requests, booking requests, and more.


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