Devloping a free sales team

Developing a free sales team

Let us turn your customers into your brand ambassadors and have a free sales force, helping to sell your product or service at every opportunity.

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Referral cycle
Referral cycle

We'll launch your first referral program and optimize it, free.

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No one can refuse a gift.
Gobiggi’s gift-program drives growth.

Create a gift-based referral program. Provide your customer with a gift and let them share a 'gift card' with their family and friends.

No ine refuse a gift
Customer referral

1. From you to Heather, your customer.

"Hi Heather, thank you for being a friend & customer. Attached is a small gift. 'Click on friends' and you will also be able to give a gift to your family and friends."

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2. From Heather, to her friend, Terry.

"I had a fabulous massage today. You deserve one. A small gift is attached."

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Friend referral
Auto Message

3. Auto message
- from you to Terry, Heather's friend, via text or email.

From you to Terry, "Hi Terry, Heather thought you would enjoy our treatment, and she put some funds in your account.

Schedule a time that suits you. We’ll be happy to see you soon."

Customers respond to referrals

Customers respond to referrals

From a Harvard business review

  • 1. 92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know – Nielsen
  • 2. People are 4 times more likely to buy/interact when referred by a friend – Nielsen
  • 3. 3.85% of fans of various brands on Facebook recommend them to others – Syncapse
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How Gobiggi's referral program works

How Gobiggi's referral program works

Studies have frequently shown that referred customers do business faster, buy more products or services, and remain customers longer than non-referred customers.

  • 1. Create a referral card for a customer.
  • 2. Create a gift card from your customer to their friends.
  • 3. Add a referral code number for tracking purposes.
  • 4. Add an expiration code.
  • 5. Share via text & email.
  • 6. Invite your customer's family & friends via text or email.
  • 7. Start, end, or edit any time.
  • 8. Change the ad referral offer at any time.
Start todayNo credit card needed
Customer referrals can drive stunning profits

Customer referrals can drive stunning profits...

From a Harvard business review

Referral programs turn customers into a community of influencers. They create a 'relationships based-buyers' who drive sales and refer others. Referral program is a powerful tool and one of the top-rated forms of organic business drive. Will referrals hurt your business?

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